“World Tennis with Harry Cicma Presented by Albrecht Auto” is a nationally televised tennis television show featuring exclusive interviews and features with the biggest names in tennis. The show has aired on the New England Sports Network (NESN) since 2009, and also airs nationally on over 20 prestigious regional U.S. TV networks.
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Cicma has worked in the TV industry for more than a decade. He currently is the CEO and Founder of Harry Cicma Productions LLC and works as an on air TV talent for WNBC Sports in New York City. He has served as a network TV sports anchor and producer at CBS Connecticut, NBC Rhode Island, News 12 New Jersey and ABC Sioux City Iowa. Cicma is regarded as a business leader in the sports TV industry; producing national network TV shows on ESPN, NBC, CBS and other stations.
He is the co-founder and host of “World Tennis with Harry Cicma” and has been an on-air TV commentator for other networks including Fox Sports Net and Tennis Channel. He has announced the U.S. Open for the event’s international world TV feed while also serving as the U.S. Open Arthur Ashe Stadium court host.
Cicma is the Executive Producer and host for numerous TV broadcasts, including SNY TV’s Fencing Masters NYC, ESPN PPA Pro Pickleball, FOX’s Ping Pong Series, Comcast SportsNet’s Boston Lobsters Report, and all Beach Tennis USA National telecasts. Harry began his career working as a production assistant in New York City for CBS Sports, ESPN and FOX Sports Net, and one of the highlights of his career was covering the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics for NBC Sports. A former ATP world-ranked doubles player, he was also a standout Big East tennis player at Rutgers University.
Please look at World Tennis with Harry Cicma on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldTennisMagazine